

Inspection Done

Well, yesterday was the last day for our "10" day inspection period. We didn't back out so it looks like we are moving forward still. Now, all we have to do is get the contractor bids into the bank (which should be done today), and then it should take about 3 weeks to close! I can't believe it's all happened so fast, I don't think I really believe it yet. I've trained myself to not get excited about things until they actually happen. Too many disappointments in the past, but that's life right? So we haven't really announced to the world we are buying a house but I'm finally starting to really day dream with all the possibilities of this house!

Yes, it's going to be a lot of work but at least I'll have a place to finally call mine! We already bought a fixer-upper before and lived in it while it was being remodeled, that was before we had 3 kids though. It's going to be a lot different with them running around now but I'm so glad we have a big yard. I always wanted some land, but growing up in Seattle I kind of came to the realization we would never get it, with the home prices being so high over there. Can't wait to have a garden of my own and the shop is huge! After 9 years of having our "storage" housed at our parents' house, I'm so glad we can finally get all of our stuff into one place! And food storage...oh what heaven!


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